(404) 256-3780
4.8 stars | 715 reviews
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4.8 stars | 715 reviews
Security & Doors
Strikemaster | Door Barricades | Protective Glass
(404) 256-3780Directions to Our ShopCall Today!
Sandy Springs Locksmith®|155 Hammond Dr NE, A, Atlanta, GA 30328|(404) 256-3780

Door Brace & Barricade Systems

school and office lockdown image

School & Office Lockdown

Approved by many authorities to be used as a barricade device for emergency lockdown events.

residential barricade image

Residential Barricade

Usually left in place and easily removed for access.

man kicking a residential door

Security For Operable Windows

sketch of brass pins

Brass Pins

steel tension rods

Steel Tension Rods

Security & Doors

A physical security system — whether an alarm or reinforced door — can detect, deter, and summon aid when your livelihood is in danger. Sandy Springs Locksmith® offers a range of physical security systems that add an important layer of protection for your family, your business, and your property. These systems are designed to deny invasion and give local law enforcement time to react.

Door & Frame Reinforcement

Door reinforcement and barricades keep unwanted intruders from kicking in your door with guaranteed effectiveness. Feel secure in the safety of your property!

Protective Glass Security Film For Windows & Doors

A virtually invisible film that keeps your windows from being the weakest point in your property. It comes in both clear and tinted options.

Security For Operable Windows

A combination of steel pins and tension rods will keep operable windows secure without losing functionality.

Contact Us By Phone First For All Services (Day Or After Hours) Please Call Us First @ (404) 256-3780 Use Email As A Follow-Up Only: Safe@Therealsandyspringslocksmith.Com

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